Author of Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Wellness and Recovery

​Contact: (916) 307-8476 dbtwr@andrewbein.org​
Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Wellness and Recovery:
Interventions and Activities for Diverse Client Needs
This hands-on guide addresses the present day realities of applying dialectical behavior therapy in a mental health and substance abuse recovery context.
The book presents an adapted version of the DBT concept Wise Mind, as central to a simple, powerful, empirically supported framework that respectfully engages clients in their own efforts to enhance personal well-being.
DBT for Wellness and Recovery includes empirically supported exercises with an emphasis on collaboration and client empowerment using a recovery oriented model for client treatment and improved outcomes.
"This book offers a remarkable gift for the diverse clients in our agency struggling with co-occurring mental health and substance abuse disorders. The sessions are structured in an easy-to-use format that makes DBT much more accessible than any curriculum that I have seen before. Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Wellness and Recovery is a testament to Dr. Bein’s dedication to improving the lives of clients and clinicians and to the far reaching impacts of mindfulness in serving those with diverse needs."
- Karen Larsen, MFT
Director Behavioral Health, Communicare Health Centers, Davis, CA
"Andrew Bein’s latest book brilliantly captures the essence of DBT and integrates self-regulatory concepts that are key to healing trauma. The practical exercises and monitoring tools are excellently designed and will be helpful tools that will enhance recovery. This book will not only be useful for clinicians but clients as well."
- Elaine Miller-Karas, LCSW
Executive Director of the Trauma Resource Institute
"Dr. Bein skillfully brings DBT, essential mindfulness practices, and skills-building to the everyday world of therapists and clients. Andy presents a cohesive and comprehensive model of integrative therapy that benefits those willing to take on practices promoting growth and development from the ground up."
- Edward Brown
Zen priest, Author, Tassajara Bread Book
"The international transformation within mental health systems towards a recovery orientation involves changing how we understand treatment. Andy Bein directly tackles this challenge in Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Wellness and Recovery. Additionally, the book’s synthesis of approaches for emotional regulation and substance abuse has high clinical relevance. I highly recommend this book for its accessible, practical and experience-based approach, which will equip practitioners with skills to help their clients engage in treatment and find their own answers to vital questions related to their personal recovery. "
- Mike Slade, Ph. D.
Clinical Psychologist, Professor, Institute of Psychiatry, King's College-University of London, Author of Personal Recovery and Mental Illness
"This is a thoughtful book that dares to venture into the uncharted territory of rethinking treatment for persons diagnosed with personality disorders based on the recovery paradigm. While DBT has always been a respectful, and empowering, approach, Bein courageously challenges some of the core assumptions upon which traditional psychotherapeutic practice has been based in order to engage clients in a more collaborative relationship that enables them to assume an active, and central, role in their own recovery."
- Larry Davidson, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychiatry, Yale University School of Medicine
"Dr. Bein’s thoughtful exploration of recovery reminds us that our clients bring extraordinary strengths and life experience to the healing process. The book’s concepts are presented in ways that are refreshing and new, giving the clinician immediate clarity and sense of how to teach the material. I plan to use DBT-WR for my next therapy group."
"Finally, a book on DBT that goes beyond tradition, helping practitioners apply the unique insights and skills of the approach to a wider range of people and presenting problems. Dr. Bein shows how focusing on engagement and honoring the client's perspective can take DBT to a new level. Well-written, concise, and engaging. Bravo."
- Scott D. Miller, Ph.D.
Director, International Center for Clinical Excellence, Cummings Professor, Department of Behavioral Health, Arizona State University
"Like water on rock, Dr. Bein reshapes Dialectical Behavior Therapy with a deepened appreciation for emotion regulation through mindfulness practice. This practical and clearly presented model offers a much needed treatment model for use in diverse settings. It is filled with simple, well-constructed exercises and tools that make basic DBT principles more accessible than ever before. DBT-WR is an invaluable contribution not only for therapy, but for quality everyday living."
- Satsuki Ina, Ph.D., MFT
Director, Family Study Center, Producer, Director, Children of the Camps
"Bein writes with authenticity and empathy, and, in his strong and soft voice, concepts such as intention, self-compassion, mindfulness and radical acceptance become not only of therapeutic value but a template for all of us to live with presence and integrity."
- Shauna L. Smith, MSW, LMFT
Co-Founder, Therapists for Social Responsibility

- Nancy White, LCSW
Private Practice, Former DBT Group Leader, Kaiser Permanente
The Zen of Helping:
Spiritual Principles for Mindful and Open-Hearted Practice
Finally, there is a book that addresses and nourishes the inner life of helping practitioners.
The Zen of Helping critiques today's evidence-based paradigms and illuminates a path representing the essence of helping - embracing uncertainty and opening our hearts. Real world examples, personal anecdotes, poetry and guided exercises provide an engaging format and transformational opportunities.
While based in Zen Buddhist philosophy, the book is accessible and valuable for Buddhists and Non-Buddhists alike.
"Andrew Bein's The Zen of Helping provides a wonderfully insightful, compassionate, and practical resource. Few publications provide the helping professional with guidance on how to develop the presence, nonjudgmental acceptance, compassion, and connection that are at the heart of helping relationships. Dr. Bein fills this gap in a compelling volume that reflects his extensive experience as a teacher and helping professional, combined with his deep grounding in Zen practice, and his compassionate caring in response to human suffering. I highly recommend this book."
- Alfred W. Kaszniak, Ph.D.
University of Arizona, Head, Department of Psychology, Professor of Psychology, Neurology, and Psychiatry
"Through the gathering of wisdom of his teachers, the insights of his own clinical experience, and the deep spiritual exploration of his own personal journey, Dr. Bein has created a remarkable road map of 'pointing instructions' and guidance through the complexities of our hearts and minds for all of us in the healing professions. His book is a valuable tool for anyone engaged in the work of healing the suffering of others, and the work of healing the suffering of one's self."
- Larry Yang, LCSW
Guiding Dharma Teacher, East Bay Meditation Center, Oakland, California
"I have read the book with great heart and joy. It is so well-written, original, clear, helpful, and wise. I think this book will be an invaluable contribution, not only to social work, but many other disciplines.."
- Joan Halifax Roshi, Ph.D.
Upaya Zen Center